Monday, November 8, 2004

At the Gym

Assignment:  Try to write a chant

Posture perfect, tummy in

Raise your arms tall.



Let your arms fall.

One, two, three

One, two, three

Count with me.

Left arm overhead

Bend to the left

Bend to the right

And pulse, pulse

With all your might.

One, two, three

One, two, three

Count with me

Now as before

But on the other side

Bend right

Bend left

Stretch it wide.

One, two, three

One, two, three

Count with me.

Weights in hand

Lift arms shoulder high

Then take them 

Out to the side

And open shoulders wide.

One, two, three

One, two, three

Count with me

Hold a weight at each hip

Bend your knees

Then pulse and dip

Hold the squat

And pulse and dip.

One, two, three

One, two, three

Count with me.

And so it goes 

We bend and stretch

Stretch and bend some more

Defying Old Age

Knocking at our door